Wednesday 15 February 2017


ALHAMDULILLAH,segala puji dan syukur kehadrat Ilahi,dapat menghabiskan program 3 hari 2 malam bersama pasukan piala presiden negeri Perak.Job pertama mengendalikan aktiviti team building sektor korporat.Nervous memang tetap ada kerana sudah lama tidak mengendalikan aktiviti.Alhamdulillah dapat melaksanakan tugas dengan baik.Terima kasih kepada PAFA dan barisan pegawai pasukan piala belia negeri Perak diatas kepercayaan yang diberikan.

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My dad was a football player - a soccer player - for Manchester United, and I loved playing football, but I also happened to be the guy in class who was pretty good at sight reading. My teacher gave me scripts, and I was very comfortable.
 Ian McShane



 The most important thing is being passionate about what you’re doing and always give it your all. That is the key to success.
~ Charlie White



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I'm really looking forward to the Hall of Fame ceremonies. It's going to be unbelievable - just crazy. I'm looking forward to thanking all the fans for inspiring me to go out there and play my best football each and every game.
 Jerry Rice






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As a football team, you head into the season the same way with confidence and a positive mindset that you are going to win a bunch of football games.
 Matthew Stafford




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Don't walk through life just playing football. Don't walk through life just being an athlete. Athletics will fade. Character and integrity and really making an impact on someone's life, that's the ultimate vision, that's the ultimate goal - bottom line.
 Ray Lewis






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Sling Transfer
Football is like life - it requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority.
 Vince Lombardi


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Ballon Transfer

Football is football and talent is talent. But the mindset of your team makes all the difference.
 Robert Griffin III


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